(Today my voice will be played by this reddish type. -- Jodi)
Sorry, no house photos to share this week...
We’ve spent the last few days in Illinois attending the wedding
of Jodi’s nephew, Adam. It was a medieval affair
complete with a friar, fair maidens, dashing men with swords and lots of meat!!! Jeff and Judy (parents of the groom) throw a mean party!
On Sunday, Jodi’s brother had a special “red-neck” (his words) surprise for the city girls. We participated in the 13th Annual (that's 12 + 1 if you're superstitious) Lawn Tractor Poker Run in the town of Sheridan, IL.
How can one describe this event, other than to say it is a blast?! (except that I wanted my John Deere to go much faster).
Yes, we drove tractors through the streets and I must say that the more you drink, the faster the tractor seems to go. 
(Obviously, I did not drink enough...).
How the event works is, you drink in the hot sun while waiting for things to start (a long, long time). Then you drive your tractor through the streets to a bar and pick a card. I ended the day with a full house (3 Aces & a pair o’ nines) although I don’t think I won…and a mean hangover!!! .... Just in time for a sixteen-plus hour drive home. Wheeee!