Alicia is in Washington state (3rd time in two months!) on an artist's residency -- writing her screenplay, well, two of them actually. It is about 40 degrees cooler where she is.
I've been crazy busy, working an exterior staining job (lots), modeling and keeping things up at home. Oh, yeah, AND moving (literally) every-single-item-that-we-own from two storage units into one. To anyone who has ever helped me move my green couch, that remains to be moved with a helper.
Today was catching up with the garden, which is looking gorgeous and lush in this jungly humidity and heat. 
I picked four bags of delicious mixed greens, herbs and arugula and thought of all of you, to whom I used to give garden produce in Seattle. There are already 1" tomatoes out there...quite a bit ahead of the season in the Northwest. 
Had my first taste (no, not literally, although I read that they are quite delicious!) of stinging nettles whilst cutting the grass yesterday. 
I can adamantly say, that stinging nettle does, in fact, REALLY sting. Youch. It looks much better today -- about half as big.