The big rig.
Sorry for the hiatus... forgot to say that it's "vacation time" from the palace. A whirlwind time in Seattle with many fond farewells (finally!) to friends and
family (fun on the 4th of July!).
If I were not so very, very tired, I would tell you all about our week of packing, trimming, painting, partying and ultimately, the drive away at 4 p.m. (!!) out of Seattle.
We are sated on Pizza Hut and beer and must now all go to sleep at 8:30 p.m. (unheard of!).
I leave you with photos before and on the road.
P.s. this is the real beginning of OUR blog, as I am now joined by my beloved Alicia (and Jordan, too!).
So, I want her back! I have a morgage or whatever you want. But if not at least treat her okay.I hope to see you guys all soon.
Hi guys! Text Becky too...enjoy your road trip! Our sliding door is being removed as I type. The french doors are alegedly being put back in today...perhaps we will have a new room before summer...perhaps...where's some wood to knock! Love you guys!!
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