Sorry for the long absence, but we've both been too tired to blog at night. Jodi and Bonnie have been working hard, sistering joists and battening down the hatches before the bitter cold returns. I've spent a lot of the last two weeks in Jersey, which makes for a long day with the commute. We have coffee together in the morning and a late dinner - then fall into bed. The radiant tubing is run in two of the floors now and we're trying to get a plumber out here to connect it to the boiler. What a happy day that will be when we finally have heat. It got down to 43 in the house...you can see your breath at 45.

Time to start the day, but we'll leave you with a few photos. Be well and warm (we're jealous). Alicia
Oh yeah. Thought you might like to see a couple of the finished baseball players. Of course I liked them better as pristine, white heads, but here they are...
Hope your Turkey Day was great. It wasn't the same without you. I posted a video of what we're thankful for if you're interested.
Did your floor heating ever get connected?
We went to the movies two nights ago and saw a trailer for a scarry movie about Poughkeepsie...
That picture of the bridge is awesome. Hope everything is going good, and can't wait to see you guys.
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