Friday, April 11, 2008

Add one more...

No sooner had I tallied up the plagues of pestilence, than I discovered yet another. Nebbie had her first tick yesterday. If you are unaware, I will tell you that this area is a bit hellish for such things. Lyme disease occurrences are very high, and fleas and mosquitoes thrive here like crazy as well (a little hellish).

I'd hoped that ticks would only be a concern on hikes (which we haven't had any time for, thus far), but the dogs do spend a lot of time in our yard. We actually did see a deer in our yard at the end of February... We have a surprising amount of wildlife in our yard, considering that we live in a city (albeit a small one): deer, groundhogs, skunks... Skunks really thrive around here, too. We've been quite fortunate so far on that one. I'm the only one who's come close to running in to one... Sorry, no close-up photos of skunks.

More brick work yesterday. I wanted Alicia to take action photos (ha, ha), but she thinks that you're all bored of bricks by now. Gee, you can imagine how I feel...

1 comment:

Me said...

Ticks are so gross! I don't miss that about the East Coast. I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever when I was a kid and was sick for an entire summer. It was bad. We never found the tick that bit me either which still freaks me out to this day. I hope no of you or your pets get Lyme disease because that can also be a doozy. Maybe you can find some herb or oil or something to wear to keep them away?