It is 87 degrees inside our house as I write this. This is the main floor -- the cooler floor. I am afraid to go upstairs. I won't say that it is too warm, but my brains do feel as though they are thrice cooked... 90 degrees by 10:30 a.m. A neighbor said it got up to 94... As I was ripping out boards and beams in a cooler dark basement and then hauling ALL OF THAT GARBAGE out to the searing sunny, sunny, hot, hot garage.... I leave you with photos to recap just what exactly has gone on "down cellar" (as Mainer Lakey would say). Well, just the hallway today. Main basement room tomorrow. Keep cool.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Something different
It is 87 degrees inside our house as I write this. This is the main floor -- the cooler floor. I am afraid to go upstairs. I won't say that it is too warm, but my brains do feel as though they are thrice cooked... 90 degrees by 10:30 a.m. A neighbor said it got up to 94... As I was ripping out boards and beams in a cooler dark basement and then hauling ALL OF THAT GARBAGE out to the searing sunny, sunny, hot, hot garage.... I leave you with photos to recap just what exactly has gone on "down cellar" (as Mainer Lakey would say). Well, just the hallway today. Main basement room tomorrow. Keep cool.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Bad dogs, sore bones, new hard-drive
Well howdy. Back in the saddle again, after being bucked off by a bad hard-drive. All is recovered... over $400 later, sigh.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Bad Lakey, no Rice Krispy Treat
All there is left of the abyss is the abyss. The final layer of flooring was painstakingly removed, board by board, to expose the underlying beams. How interesting to note that one's house (Jodi and Alicia's, that is) has been held up by three or four slabs of rock and a couple of shims. Rusted shims. Beams were removed, scraped, vacuumed, bleached and stacked ever-so-neatly in the garage.
Meanwhile, in Funtown D-O-G, groundhogs were in grave peril and mulberries were in season. Which is to say that certain canines of the Welsh Cardigan Corgi breed are sure to have intestinal issues, no doubt during their trip back to Maine. And certain other WCCs might have big lumps on their little blue heads from falling ten feet or so in pursuit of one of the many relatives of Lional, the dead cat. Said blue merle corgi proceeded to cost her guardian well over two hundred dollars in emergency vet fees because of a great big lump on her little blue spotted head. We will never know exactly what happened. At least Lakey got a really cool x-ray out of it
Lakey spazzed out and collapsed all of Saturday while Jodi ripped out, single handedly, the staircase from the main floor to the basement. Jodi is amazing. She is a super hero.
This is Jodi's Blog
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Lakey Sez ...
At any rate, we poked all around in the dirt with crowbars, because Jodi said she wanted to know what she was walking on. (I think this has a lot to do with the dream she had about falling into a sinkhole without her cell phone.) Mostly we raked through the rubble and pulled out rotted wood. We also freed the beams that formerly supported all of those layers of flooring, and tomorrow will haul the suckers up to the garage. We've made a very neat lumber pile in there, thank you very much.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Comments needed
Jodi's Bad Day
Anyway, while Jodi moved and opened every box in her storage unit (Guardian, Suite # 201) in search of the emergency Windows XP boot disks, which she did not find, I, Lakey, spent the day "down cellar" as they say in Maine, taking a wire brush and Shop Vac to lots of board feet of Southern Yellow Pine. Luckily I didn't find any more dead things. I did, however, fall into the Greater Abyss via a rotted beam that broke under my apparently formidible weight.
After I emerged into daylight, blinking and coughing, I played Sisyphus and began rearranging stacks of ripped up flooring (nails intact) in the garage, in hopes of making room for the ripped-up flooring that I'd just brushed and vacuumed.
Jodi came back from the storage unit empty handed but for the stack of 1-2-3 books from Homo Depot. No disks. I decided to knock off work and accompany her to Best Buy, where she dropped off her laptop with such a forelorn look that I had to give her a hug. The boy behind the counter, in his nice white shirt, said "Don't cry." And alas, right beside Best Buy was an Old Navy store, where Lakey bought a new wardrobe complete with mobster shoes (off-white slip-on sneakers. Picture later.) After that we came home to feed the dogs and walked over to Noah's Ark and had TWO pints of beer and played three games of pool.
And now we are home, there is a cooling breeze, the dogs are happy and Jodi is cooking something
Oh - and by the way - one shot of espresso in a chai tea is referred to as a "red eye chai," and two shots a "black-eye chai."
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
"He smokes like a fish"
A delightful Poughkeepsie saying (evidently) that we were almost uncontrollably amused by today. I am quoting a neighbor that we just met today from down the street. She is wonderful, and invited me to sing Catholic songs (they pass out sheets with the words) in someone's basement. I told her I was an atheist. She said we can still come...
Monday, June 18, 2007
A bad day for Ivy
Change of plans... did not work myself to death. Instead, I killed killed KILLED poison ivy and all other viney things in my way to killing the ivy.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Ain't no way I'm workin' tommorow!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Land of a thousand screws
Anyone can comment now
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A hard day in the palace....
Today was a sad/happy day for me. I want so badly to be in Seattle right now for Hilly's graduation. It is a hard thing to miss. Conversely, I am ecstatic for HER.... It's a truly big day.
Congratulations, Hilary!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Facing one's fears...
I don't know why I fear "the abyss." It shouldn't be scary to have dirt under one's wood floor in a basement, and yet, I am scared. This has been exacerbated by a dream I had last week: I was standing on the dirt floor, when suddenly it caved in completely, leaving me twenty feet down in a cavernous hole. I didn't have my cell phone. My dogs were outside and didn't have access to me. I wondered how would I be rescued?! No one could hear me. I would starve. My dogs would starve...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The last of last week
Friday was clean-up day: Hand picking pieces of plaster one by one so as not to pick up rat turds with them. (A long story -- having to do with plaster disposal). One last run to the dump before La Bomba disappears back Maineward.
More catching up from last week
Finally! Something new to read!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Monday, June 11 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Jodi is a freakin slave driver. My goal for the day was to violate as many OSHA regulations as possible, and I think I succeeded. The pit over which I teetered, on the top step (the "This is not a Step," step) of a wee ladder, I have come to call The Abyss. Tools fall into the Abyss, never to be seen again.
I got most of the wall removed and have started on the little stage that held the throne. The wood over the Abyss is rotted, thus quite soft, and I managed to fall halfway in. This gives me first place in the injury-of-the-day competition. Well, I don't think Jodi's actually playing, so its my own little inner competition.
Toward the end of the day, in the debris pile beneath the once-throne, I found a child's sock. Scary. No child, thank heavens, but I found two beaten up pots, a plastic bowl, a toilet brush and some old newspapers. Jodi found a penny from 1901.
Now we are going to go have some dinner.