Friday was clean-up day: Hand picking pieces of plaster one by one so as not to pick up rat turds with them. (A long story -- having to do with plaster disposal). One last run to the dump before La Bomba disappears back Maineward.
That George is a sweetheart. Just look at that smile.
And yes, that's me writing check after check after check to the City of Poughkeepsie.
Work day ended before two-o'clock. Weee! Off to Davies Hardware store in Poughkeepsie (angels singing). It is a temple to all great hardware stores. Lakey is in heaven, dizzy with delight, yet requires no dragging to exit said store after a good browsey hour or so (?). Next stop: Adam's Fairacre Farms grocery store. Another Poughkeepsie original: so quirky, so East Coast, so wonderful! More oohs and aahs from Lakey.... More sight-seeing for the rest of the day. (I'm sparing you).
Lakey rode off into the sun Saturday. I got the lawn cut with THE MOST FANTASTIC LAWNMOWER IN THE WORLD: the Neuton battery powered electric from Vermont. Bliss. One of the best things I've EVER purchased. Pass the word... it ROCKS. So quiet, start with a squeeze of the handle.... Aah. (Ooh, they could be another sponsor!)
Future postings will be more entertaining, I promise. Just felt the frustration and pressure of technical difficulties -- both with our internet connection and my inability to log in to the blog. (stupid Internet Explorer).
So, thank-you so much for your patience and your interest. Pass the address to people who you know that I know. This will be the easiest way for me to keep in touch. I love your comments, so join Google and post 'em!
Love to everyone.
I leave you with indications of progress: The basement looks very different, I just wish that it smelled different.

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