Anyway, while Jodi moved and opened every box in her storage unit (Guardian, Suite # 201) in search of the emergency Windows XP boot disks, which she did not find, I, Lakey, spent the day "down cellar" as they say in Maine, taking a wire brush and Shop Vac to lots of board feet of Southern Yellow Pine. Luckily I didn't find any more dead things. I did, however, fall into the Greater Abyss via a rotted beam that broke under my apparently formidible weight.
After I emerged into daylight, blinking and coughing, I played Sisyphus and began rearranging stacks of ripped up flooring (nails intact) in the garage, in hopes of making room for the ripped-up flooring that I'd just brushed and vacuumed.
Jodi came back from the storage unit empty handed but for the stack of 1-2-3 books from Homo Depot. No disks. I decided to knock off work and accompany her to Best Buy, where she dropped off her laptop with such a forelorn look that I had to give her a hug. The boy behind the counter, in his nice white shirt, said "Don't cry." And alas, right beside Best Buy was an Old Navy store, where Lakey bought a new wardrobe complete with mobster shoes (off-white slip-on sneakers. Picture later.) After that we came home to feed the dogs and walked over to Noah's Ark and had TWO pints of beer and played three games of pool.
And now we are home, there is a cooling breeze, the dogs are happy and Jodi is cooking something
Oh - and by the way - one shot of espresso in a chai tea is referred to as a "red eye chai," and two shots a "black-eye chai."
1 comment:
Doggies are cute.
Sorry it was a bad day.
Keep up the good work it looks great.... more pics please
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